The first group: those who are going to work as a content strategist in their business environment or use content marketing methods seriously.
Group 2: Managers and supervisors whose scope of work may go beyond marketing and advertising and other content strategy discussions, but who prefer to share a common language with content activists in their organization (or contractors) and ensure that the program . لینک سازی pbn The strategies and strategies that are developed and implemented to produce and deliver content are in line with their needs.
Group 3: Those who may never be directly and operationally involved in the discussion of content marketing or content strategy or content philosophy, but want a better understanding of the world around them, خرید رپورتاژ دائمی emerging economies and trends through general familiarity with the field. The future of education, information and advertising.
Many people who work in the field of content - especially if they consider themselves digital marketers - use the terms content strategy and content marketing almost synonymously.
We do not want to be overly obsessed with this, تحلیلگر سئو and as long as we know what we are talking about and what we hear, it does not matter what name we give it.